Things To Know Before Filing A Personal Injury Claim In Nassau County

It’s bad enough to be considering filing a lawsuit against, but then to realize that your time is up due to statute limitations can be aggravating. When it comes to the law, the average person should know there are things that they should know. And waiting too long to file a suit is one of them. 

 Quick Tips for Personal Injury Cases

In some states, the statute of limitations is one year for personal injury cases. In Nassau County, the personal injury attorney will tell you that you have three years to file, so, as you can see, states vary when it comes to the specific requirements of filing certain cases. 

It should also be taken into consideration if the injured person resides in a no fault state. A Nassau County personal injury lawyer can explain that in a no fault state, the injured can only sue for serious injuries. Some types of serious injuries are listed below:

  1. Bone fractures
  2. Body function limitations
  3. Disfigurement, etc

Once the judge decides that the injury is serious, the victim can move forward and file suit. A liability claim can be filed. This means that the at-fault driver can be held responsible. In situations such as dog bites, the specifications are pretty simple — personal Injury Advice for Persons Considering Filing a Suit.

As long as the victim can prove that the owner was aware of the animal being dangerous than most likely, they will have a good case. There are numerous different types of personal injury cases, such as wrongful deaths, defective consumer product cases and more. Each is having its own set of requirements. 

Insurance providers tend to limit the amount that is paid out when it comes to damages and medical expenses. This is done basically to protect themselves. Regardless of if the victim is left not being able to work. Finding a good attorney to assist in matters such as this helps hugely. 

When personal claims are introduced to the court, the judge takes a hard look at the physical hardships that have come upon the victim. Also, the financial and mental issues that have befallen the person will be intensely investigated. If the quality of life has been dramatically reduced, then this should be taken very seriously. The activities that the individual was able to perform versus what they are now unable to do is a reduction in quality of life.

The types of compensation that can be awarded vary. Listed below are a few different types of compensation:

  1. pain & suffering
  2. property damage
  3. loss earnings
  4. medical costs (past & future)

Depending on the type of injury, the amount of pain experienced by the person can be quite high. No price tag can be put on an injury that could have been avoided; however, the attorneys of the client will do what they can. When it comes to loss in earnings, every year a victim of an injury can not work means that they will not be able to earn money. If carried out correctly, this situation can be rectified by their legal counsel. Medical costs should be looked at not only in the present, but also in the future, and calculated in that manner. 

Another tip that personal injury victims may not know is that they can accept worker’s compensation and still file a suit against the employer. Many victims think that it is either, but it’s not. A good attorney can proceed by conducting a diligent investigation into the matter. After which they would seek to make certain that the compensation received by the client was what they were entitled.


Michael S. Sheena is a founding partner at the Radow Law Group, P.C. He has significant experience handling complex bank negotiations, foreclosure cases, and real estate transactions. During his five years at the Radow Law Group, he has assisted in the successful negotiation and settlement of countless commercial and residential properties in default