If your loan modification has been denied, there may still be options you can pursue. If you wish to keep your house and are determined to follow all the necessary protocols, then you may be able to get a modification. Here are the major steps you need to take following a modification denial. 1. Provide… Continue reading What Are Your Options To Appeal a Mortgage Loan Modification Denial
Tag: suffolk county eviction lawyer
Why Should I Hire a Foreclosure Defense Attorney?
Often, families have to relinquish their homes and enter into foreclosure due to non-payment of home-loan or property taxes. If there’s a mortgage default, banks and lenders waste no time filing for foreclosure. If this is happening with you, you are in imminent danger of losing your dream home. You have two options – either… Continue reading Why Should I Hire a Foreclosure Defense Attorney?
Which Kind Of Lawyer Handles Eviction?
Suppose you are a landlord and own only a few rental properties. In that case, there are maximum chances that you wouldn’t have a lawyer on retainer as you will not need his/her services regularly. But you should know that in cases of eviction, you might need the help of a lawyer as dealing with… Continue reading Which Kind Of Lawyer Handles Eviction?
How Much Does It Cost to Hire an Eviction Lawyer?
As a landlord, your biggest fear is probably having to evict a renter. Involvement in the legal system, coordinating with repair and maintenance companies, and the possibility of income loss all add up to a potentially stressful experience. It’s quite costly, usually taking several weeks to finish and costing several thousand dollars, so it’s only… Continue reading How Much Does It Cost to Hire an Eviction Lawyer?
7 Benefits of Hiring a Commercial Real Estate Attorney
Do you frequently deal in the real estate sector? Buying and selling property in the real estate sector, especially in commercial properties, can be tricky for anyone, be it an experienced or amateur person. Since buying and selling properties is dealing in big finances, it’s high on the risk factor and one needs to do… Continue reading 7 Benefits of Hiring a Commercial Real Estate Attorney