Planning To Apply For Loan Modification? Here Are A Few Things You Should Know

What You Need to Know About Loan Modification Introduction The moment you are about to face foreclosure, the mortgage lender has to offer you a loan modification. If you want to keep your home, then the idea is appealing. The good thing is that you end up paying less each month. The primary challenge is… Continue reading Planning To Apply For Loan Modification? Here Are A Few Things You Should Know

Should I Hire A Loan Modification Lawyer For Better Legal Assistance

Get Legal Assistance With The Help Of A Loan Modification Attorney What Is Loan Modification Services? Loan modification focuses on helping clients get lower mortgage rates. A mortgage lender will permanently restructure the terms of your loan agreement. The lender will agree to certain loan modifications to reduce the amount of interest on your loan.… Continue reading Should I Hire A Loan Modification Lawyer For Better Legal Assistance

Looking For A Debt Solution? 5 Reasons To Hire A Loan Modification Lawyer

A loan modification is nothing but a permanent redoing of a mortgage agreement. It is when one or more of the terms of a loan are changed in order to provide a more affordable payment. The lender may agree to take one or more actions to reduce your monthly payment. In addition, a loan modification… Continue reading Looking For A Debt Solution? 5 Reasons To Hire A Loan Modification Lawyer

Essential Traits of A Successful Loan Modification Lawyer

Financial hardship in New York is inevitable sometimes for homeowners and requires a loan modification attorney Suffolk County. If a homeowner is facing a foreclosure or finding it very difficult to make monthly mortgage payments on time, consider hiring a licensed lawyer specializing in loan modifications. When searching for legal services look for four essential… Continue reading Essential Traits of A Successful Loan Modification Lawyer

Free Consultation

At the Radow Law Group, we feel that trust is the key ingredient in any lawyer-client relationship. That is why we offer every potential client a free consultation, and with it, an opportunity to get to know us before making any commitment. Set up an appointment to speak with one of our Long Island attorneys… Continue reading Free Consultation

Firm Overview

At the Radow Law Group, P.C., we believe that maintaining open and honest relationships with our clients is the key to superior legal representation. We strive to build strong partnerships with our clients, with an emphasis on individual attention, open dialogue, and affordable fees. This individualized attention allows us to fully understand your legal needs,… Continue reading Firm Overview