Within the real estate industry, the word “foreclosure” is feared by both lenders pursuing delinquent payments and homeowners in financial need. Lenders use a legal procedure to try to get back the remaining amount owed on a loan from a borrower who has ceased making payments. Anyone dealing with real estate or facing foreclosure should… Continue reading The 6 Phases of Foreclosure
Tag: foreclosure defense attorneys
Is a Lender Allowed to Foreclose After a Borrower’s Death?
While it’s common for people to think that their heirs will have to take out a new loan or refinance the house after their death, this isn’t always the case. The lender may need the assumption, refinance, or loan modification in the event of the death of a property holder with a mortgage. Most individuals… Continue reading Is a Lender Allowed to Foreclose After a Borrower’s Death?
What Options Do You Have When Facing Foreclosure?
If this is your first time going through a foreclosure, there are several stages you may skip that might have a significant influence on your case. Because of this, it’s crucial to retain legal representation to fight the foreclosure. Foreclosure is a serious matter, and you should not take any chances in court if you… Continue reading What Options Do You Have When Facing Foreclosure?
Do You Need a Foreclosure Attorney? Here’s What You Need to Know!
Speaking with a lawyer as soon as possible is the best action plan if you are facing foreclosure… If having a home is a dream, going through foreclosure on it would be the worst nightmare ever. On the other hand, merely because you are behind on your mortgage payments does not automatically result in foreclosure.… Continue reading Do You Need a Foreclosure Attorney? Here’s What You Need to Know!