When Do You Hire A Personal Injury Attorney?

A personal injury lawsuit is a legal case where one person suffers from a physical or psychological injury or harm and it is caused by the action of another. In such cases, the injury is caused by someone else’s negligence and reckless actions because of which a lawsuit is filed. Personal injury is often considered an injury caused by car accidents, usage of defective products, wrongful death instance, medical malpractice, etc. Such instances are not taken in control through trial and error methods, they are stressful cases that need to be handled by legal attorneys to help you understand the complexities of the case and claim the compensation. The primary role of a personal injury attorney is to represent your case on your behalf to the jury in court, secure a fair amount of monetary compensation for the injuries caused and costs involved for the legal formalities as well as the emotional instability. 

Speaking of the responsibilities of a personal injury attorney, we can definitely say that there are quite a few ethics and duties that they need to abide by, which are coined by the lawyer associations and higher groups. However, their primary task is to comprehend the case and process jargons to their clients in the simplest form, underline the basics, etc. Since every state has different legal abidance and structure, you’ll be requiring a qualified lawyer who can act on your behalf and claim what you’re entitled to. So if you put in a different state, say Jamaica, NY, your personal injury attorney in Jamaica NY will aid your understanding of the lawsuit to guide you through the complete process.

Guide To A Personal Injury Lawsuit

Even though the state laws differ in each region, the following are the common steps that are involved in a personal injury case and how your attorney would assist you with the same – 

  • Defendant injures the plaintiff either physically or mentally – A personal injury case becomes a lawsuit when a person gets harmed by another, either physically that causes serious injuries or get mentally attacked by alleged claims or remarks. The lawsuit defines the “defendant” as the person who injures the other party, which is the “plaintiff”. A plaintiff would consult an attorney, in this case, to seek legal assistance and claim for his/her loss due to the injury. On the other hand, the defendant would also have to bring in an attorney to smoothen the case before the court.
  • Plaintiff discovers the breach in law at the end of the defendant – The second phase of the lawsuit is the “discovery” of the evidence by both parties to represent their side of the stories. The plaintiff discovers the breach in law over the pre-trial sessions and attempts to win over the case proceedings in the oath-driven question and answer hearings.
  • A settlement occurs – It is observed that many of the personal injury lawsuits get settled by both parties before they appear for trials. It becomes quite feasible for both to settle it monetarily to avoid the month-long session trials, hiring an attorney for legal aid, paying fees, etc. Thus, to withdraw any hassle in this tiresome process, an agreed settlement is most likely a fine resolution.
  • Should the plaintiff not accept the settlement, they proceed to a lawsuit – There are often numerous cases when the plaintiff refuses to make a settlement with the defendant. In a situation like this, they are bound to take the lawsuit ahead through the trial phase. A settlement is likely to be refused when the defendant offers a lesser compensation to the plaintiff. Since the loss caused by the injury could affect the earnings of the family, a marginal compensation might not suffice the purpose.

Do you find the quest for a personal injury attorney trembling? We at Radow Law Group are at your service. With our personalized approach towards each client and lawsuit, we strive to let you seek justified compensation fair and square. As our client, you will be entitled to a no-cost case if we fail to win before the jury or settle your case with the defendant. If you would like to gain more information about our service, call us today to schedule your consultation!


Michael S. Sheena is a founding partner at the Radow Law Group, P.C. He has significant experience handling complex bank negotiations, foreclosure cases, and real estate transactions. During his five years at the Radow Law Group, he has assisted in the successful negotiation and settlement of countless commercial and residential properties in default

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