What Is A Loan Modification – How To Get A Long Island Loan Modification

Whether you have fallen behind on your mortgage due to unexpected medical expenses, a reduction in income, temporary unemployment, or just because your interest rate and monthly payments suddenly increased, a Loan Modification may the best solution to your problem. While most people understand that a Loan Modification can lower their monthly mortgage payment, they… Continue reading What Is A Loan Modification – How To Get A Long Island Loan Modification

Benefits of Hiring Radow Law Group In Great Neck & Long Island

Having a house of your own is one of the greatest achievements anyone can obtain. It is the fruit of your hard work and dedication after the series of overtimes and missed nights out with friends or family gatherings. If the time ever suddenly comes when you are threatened to lose your home, you need… Continue reading Benefits of Hiring Radow Law Group In Great Neck & Long Island

Radow Law Group Will Help You With a Long Island Loan Modification

The loan that you got years ago may not be where you want it. You may find that, after all of this time, you qualify for a more affordable loan that gives you the chance to pay less without making any sacrifices. If you want to take advantage of this, you are going to need… Continue reading Radow Law Group Will Help You With a Long Island Loan Modification

Long Island Loan Modification – Radow Law Will Help

Radow Law Group specializes in helping clients obtain loan modifications. A loan modification is an agreement between a borrower and a lender (bank/credit union etc) to modify the current terms of a loan. People often seek loan modification to change the terms of their interest rates, and number of months left in repayment. If you… Continue reading Long Island Loan Modification – Radow Law Will Help

Free Consultation

At the Radow Law Group, we feel that trust is the key ingredient in any lawyer-client relationship. That is why we offer every potential client a free consultation, and with it, an opportunity to get to know us before making any commitment. Set up an appointment to speak with one of our Long Island attorneys… Continue reading Free Consultation

Firm Overview

At the Radow Law Group, P.C., we believe that maintaining open and honest relationships with our clients is the key to superior legal representation. We strive to build strong partnerships with our clients, with an emphasis on individual attention, open dialogue, and affordable fees. This individualized attention allows us to fully understand your legal needs,… Continue reading Firm Overview