How A Lawyer Can Help You Figure Out The Worth OF Your Personal Injury Case

A majority of the time personal injury cases will settle out of court. The process of taking a personal injury lawsuit through the civil court system, a process known as litigation, is very costly and doesn’t always guarantee the desired result. It is preferable to avoid that hassle and to go through the court-based process. It can be difficult to put an exact dollar amount on the worth of a personal injury case, however, but a personal injury lawyer nassau county will be able to help you to figure that out.

There is a tough concept of damages which includes any injury or loss on your behalf. This is the basis for calculating the appropriate amount to compensate you. You cannot do this without first understanding the damages that are available in your specific situation and case.

There are three different categories in which damages will fit. They are economic, non-economic, and punitive. In nearly all personal injury cases, the damages in question will be either economic or non-economic. Punitive damages are not generally a part of settlement cases. Economic damages include financial losses or expenditures that are a result of the injury suffered, and non-economic damages are the pain and suffering caused by the accident or event. Determining the value can be somewhat tricky, but it is not impossible. It takes some assessment and honest reflection, and it will be somewhat limited to what the restrictions on the policies are. An insurance company has policies in place that will not let them go above a certain amount.

Once you and your lawyer determine which damages are relevant to your specific case, you can decide on a possible amount of settlement money. Your lawyer will then be able to frame a demand and put it into a demand letter. The letter will include the amount of all the damages that were caused, and it will typically be higher in order to leave room for negotiation.

It will also take into account any pain and suffering that have occurred because of the event. This is when the defendant or insurance company will try to negotiate that number down. Your lawyer will handle the negotiation process for you and can involve numerous phone calls, but you have to be prepared to compromise somewhat. Your personal injury lawyer nassau county will be able to help you to decide what your bottom line is and what you will most like be able to settle with. They are there to make sure that your case is solid and theta there are no loopholes or weaknesses that will cause you to get a substantially smaller amount in your settlement and your lawyer will do the research.


Michael S. Sheena is a founding partner at the Radow Law Group, P.C. He has significant experience handling complex bank negotiations, foreclosure cases, and real estate transactions. During his five years at the Radow Law Group, he has assisted in the successful negotiation and settlement of countless commercial and residential properties in default