Documents that are Helpful in a Car Accident Claim
A car accident claim will require different types of documents that will serve as evidence. Note that the type of documents required will depend on the nature of the accident, the specific injury and the damage caused by the accident.Here are some of the documents that you might need when applying for an accident and injury claim.
This checklist will serve as the starting point for your accident claim since it will help you get the sense of paperwork and evidence that might be useful. Your personal injury attorney will be able to consult on the additional paperwork you might require and how to get it.
Police reports
These documents are considered public records and are made accessible to all parties once they are ready. Depending on the number of police officers who responded to the accident, you might have more than one police report. In addition, there might be an accident reconstruction report that is produced by a special division in the police department responding to the accident.
Note that these reports must be taken as conclusive and they serve as the perfect starting point for an investigation for a customer. The reports can lead to other reports created by other labs and organizations collaborating with the investigating law enforcement agency.
Statements from witnesses
These are statements made by people that were at the scene of the accident. A witness can be a person who has relevant details about any aspect concerning the accident and this might include, people involved or those who could give a statement why the accident occurred.
Witness statement can be obtained by different sources, comprising investing police, law enforcement organizations, the parties involved in the accident and also any federal oversight organization that has the prerogative to the scene of the accident. A personal injury lawyer will formulate a witness statement for a legal proceeding to document the testimonials.
Victim and client statement
This is one of the most critical documents in a car accident claim. For this reason, the statement must be obtained when the person has the best recall of the happenings of the accident. It is of paramount importance for your personal injury attorney to find out if the victim or client has presented a previous statement to any party apart from their legal representative. This is because the client might have unintentionally given out details that can lessen the value of the claim or even alter the nature of responsibility of other victims.
Medical report
These reports comprise all emergency room records, doctor care report, and autopsy and rehabilitation reports. Note that report must include the overall report that the victim is under the treatment and care of the doctor and will cover all the parties that were affected an suffered an injury due to the accident. Additionally, these medical records can extend to the medical history of any individual involved in the accident. The report must include the cost of treatment. With the help of your personal injury lawyer, you can easily obtain the document from the medical facility that treated you.
To ensure your car accident claim is being handled well and steadily, consult an experienced personal injury attorney who can simplify the legal process that can seem complex. To get a free consultation on your car accident claim, consult law firm Radow Law Group here.
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